News & Resources
DAM SAFETY LAC V-Rehabilitation and Modernization – Module I
SEGURIDAD DE PRESAS EN AMERICA LATINA V CURSO VIRTUAL Rehabilitación y Modernización. Modulo I 23 al 27 de agosto de 2021 – Complete Borchure Here!
BFL Latinoamerica
In the global hydropower market, small hydro is emerging as the future. BFL is a world leader in the small hydro arena, having cultivated an extremely satisfied global customer base. We have accomplished this by adhering to a simple ideology: Relationship matters. BFL...
Alternate Hydro Energy Centre (AHEC)
Alternate Hydro Energy Centre (AHEC) was set up at the Institute by the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Govt. of India in the year 1982 for imparting training and undertaking R&D work in the field of small hydro-power and other...
Annual Report 2020
The ICH Annual Report can be downloaded here.
We are now CPD accredited and certified!
Earn CPD credits through ICH training programmes. Gaining through Training - Invest in your professional development.
Environmental monitoring, 2021